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What is at The End of a Tightrope?

Liz Trenckmann

Tightropes scare the bejeebers out of me.

When I was in University, a group of us ladies went to a ropes course.

Cheering others on, no problem.

Putting on the harness, no problem.

Climbing the tall poles, no problem.

Climbing down the pole, problem.

Crossing a beam 20ft in the air, big problem.

Looking straight ahead unsure of where my feet were landing, huge problem.

The last few months have reminded me of that day at the ropes course. Secured in a harness yet terrified to move forward. Brave enough to go up and yet too scared to go down. Fearless to stand on the beam yet terrified to go across it.

Below me people yelling,

“You are fine. Let go of the rope and walk.”

“You are fine. Just jump.”

“You are fine. Just look straight ahead.”

My knees shaking under me.

My legs resembling rubber bands.

My hands wet like I had just washed them.

I made it about 10 steps before I fell. Instead of looking straight ahead ,I looked down. I took my eyes off what would have gotten me across.

. . . .

2020 has been a year for the books.


-Social isolation




-A Political mess

-Lost loved ones

-Lost jobs

2020 has been an exercise in looking straight ahead while crossing a tightrope.

Though our knees may shake and our legs turn to rubber, we walk with our gaze fixed straight ahead. Not to the right . . . Not to the left . . . But straight ahead.

Keeping our eyes on what will get us across.

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2

We are entering a season of thanksgiving and joy. Yet regulations are rapidly spreading throughout the world. Many are feeling this season like I do when crossing a tight rope; sweaty palms, fearful, knees shaking, and legs like rubber bands, while aware we may still be in the middle of the tightrope.

The last months have been exhausting. We are ready for the end. We are ready to be across.

None of us know how long this tightrope is going to be but . . . we know what is at the end of it . . . the same thing that was at the beginning.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8



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