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What good is the Mundane?

Liz Trenckmann

Friday was one of “those” days. With trashcans lining the streets my walk was not glamorous, the house covered in toys, groceries that needed to be put away, toilets needed a good cleaning, and I woke up feeling tired.

Do you ever have those days? Do you ever have those days that feel like the one before it and the one before that?

This was one of those days for me. It felt like the only right thing to do, was cover my head with the comforter and close my tired eyes.

Instead. . .

I pushed away my cozy comforter and got out of bed. Got dressed. Washed my face. Put on a hat (Friday was a definitely a hat day!) Grabbed my Bible and curled up on the couch.

Like most mornings God’s words flushed through my tired heart and body.

“Blessed is the person who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8

In the mundane,

in the hard,

or in a time of fear,

we can sit by the tree that never fears, never worries, never fails, and always produces fruit.

Praise God we have such a wonderful and special place to call our home.

A place of never ending abundance.

A place of never ending protection.

A place of never ending peace.

A place of never ending love.

A place of never ending wisdom.

A place of never ending hope.

Friday was not a glamorous day.

Though the streets were lined with ugly garbage can, I was reminded by my nose that every day may not be glamorous but every day is important. Every day, we have the option to sit in the presence of God. Every day we have a choice to crawl back under the covers or to live.

He opened my eyes to see the mundane as a gift.

Dirty dishes means full bellies

Toys are hours of fun for my kids.

Laundry is a sign of lots of fun outdoors.

Garbage day shows we live a life of abundance.

Friends, maybe you woke up today feeling like I did on Friday; a little tired, ready for the vacation, and tired of the mundane. Today may look the same as yesterday, but in you, it can be lived as a day of abundance. A day given from the Lord himself to sit in his unending love, unending wisdom, and unending hope.

What mundane thing will you do today?



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