“Mommy guilt is this gross, horrendous, cancerous thing that lodges itself in your heart and creeps its way into your head where it festers forever – unless you actively kill it. Mommy guilt likes to remind you on the regular of the ways you’re failing your children.” -Girl Stop Apologizing
Mommy guilt is a real deal for EVERY SINGLE ONE US!!!
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a working stay-at-home mom, a part-time outside the home working mom, or a full-time outside the home working mom. . . .IT IS ALL HARD!!!
Children are wonderful, beautiful, precious, tiring, overwhelming, time consuming, dirty, stinky, crazy special little people who make your blood boil one moment and your heart melt the next.
MOMS . . . We are all called to the same thing – To delight, enjoy and raise kids who know they are loved, valued and cherished!
Don’t feel guilty for working. Don’t feel guilty for choosing not to work. Don’t feel guilty for getting a baby sister. Don’t feel guilty for exercising. Don’t feel guilty for having your kids ride the bus to school. Don’t feel guilty for. . . _________
Guilt doesn’t come from what you ARE doing, it comes what you are NOT doing!
SO STOP. . . . focusing on the things we are aren’t doing.
AND START . . .Focusing on what YOU want to be doing.
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.’ -Rom 12:10
Focus on delighting, enjoying and raising kids who know they are loved, valued and cherished!
Focus on being present and delighting in your kids!
Be present and delight in your kids at breakfast. Be present and delight in your kids at dinner. Be present and delight in your kids during bedtime reading. Be present and delight in your kids when you hug them. Be present and delight when your kids when they have tough questions. Be present and delight in your kids when they tell a joke. Be present and delight in your kids when you say, “I love you.”
Focus and delight in who your child is becoming. Focus and delight in what they believe about themselves. Focus and delight in how they love others.
We will all raise our kids a bit different. But being present and delighting in the important moments DESTROYS mommy guilt!
Focusing on delighting, enjoying and raising kids who know they are loved, valued and cherished! – That OBLITERATES mommy guilt!!!
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” -1 Corinthians 13:4-7
