A World-Wide Pandemic, A Crashing Economy, Racism, Slander. . .
In the midst of overwhelming challenge. . . .
Are we being who we want to be?
I often wake up with angst for the current state of. . .yes, the US. . .but mostly. . . my friends, loved ones, and fellow Christians.
Who are Christians? Who are we supposed to be right now?
Last week I was challenged by the words of John Maxwell:
“The way people see others is a reflection of themselves. If I am a trusting person, I will see others as trustworthy. If I am a critical personal, I will see others as critical. If I am a caring person, I will see other’s as compassionate. If you change yourself and become the kind of person you desire to be, you will begin to view others in a whole new light. And that will change the way you interact in all of your relationships.”
Winning With People - John Maxwell
Jesus’ life is a reflection of John Maxwell’s words.
Jesus gave to the poor. . . and loved those who did not.
Jesus valued men and women equally. . . and loved those who did not.
Jesus valued races equally. . . and loved those who did not.
Jesus spoke truth to authority . . . and loved those who did not listen.
Jesus fought against oppression. . . and loved those who did not.
Because. . . Jesus is love.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
1 Cor 13:4-8
This morning I heard the song, Love has a Name by Kim Walker- Smith. It wisely put to words the hearts of humanity:
“There is a longing that reaches past the stars.”
Every person wants. . .
“An answer to every question mark, A hope flowing through their veins, A voice that echoes through the pain, Joy that triumphs over fear, Laughter that wipes away all tears, And a presence that changes atmospheres.”
Are we being who we want to be?
Is the love we claim in Jesus. . . .
. . . flowing through our veins?
. . . covering our words?
. . . enveloping our thoughts?
. . . the voice we listen to through pain?
. . . the driver behind our decisions?
Is love flowing from our pores?
Or is love hiding under the bed?
Fellow Christians, together let’s love like Jesus loved.
Because we have. . .
A love that reaches past the stars. . .
A love that moves mountains. . .
A love that dries rivers. . .
A love that transforms lives!
I have never lived through a pandemic. I have never lived through a world-wide market crash. I have never lived through riots throughout the world. I have never lived through one of these let alone all of them at one time. But, my life purpose is still the same and so is yours. . .
“Fix our eyes on the One who overcame, Stand in awe of the One who breaks the chains,
For love has a name, Jesus.”
